• Returns and refunds

Dear Customer, if you have come to this page, it means that something went wrong with your order and you are not satisfied with your purchase.

 There is no need to worry, though, as we respect your rights as a consumer. Below we have placed the information that 
will enable you to make a complaing or return the goods easily.


In accordance with the law a consumer may withdraw an order within 14 days without giving any reason.

 The right to withdraw an order expires after 14 days after the moment you or a third party other than the messanger service and indicated by you came into possesion of the goods ordered.


In order to use your right to withdraw an order you must notify us (TSF-Trójmiejskie Studio Fotografii Radosław Brzozowski/Szlachetna Fotografia, ul. Akacjpwa 1, 83-034, Trąbki Wielkie, Poland, adres e-mail: kontakt@szlachetnafotografia.com) of your decision in the form of a unequivocal declaration (for instance a letter sent by post or e-mail).

You may use the order withdrawal form provided though it is not mandatory.

In order to keep the date by which the right to withdraw an order expires, it is sufficient that you send your declaration regarding the withdrawal before the 14 days deadline has passed.

 Should you decide to withdraw an order, we will reimburse all the expenditure you made including the cost of shippment (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the chosen method of delivery that was more expensive than the cheapes usual form of delivery we offer), immediately upon the receipt of your declaration and not later than 14 days from the day when we were informed of the fact you have chosen to exercise your right to renounce the contract. The payment will be return using the same method that were used by you in the original transaction unless you have explicitly authorised us to use another method in which case you will not be expected to make any additional payment connected with the method by which the money is returned.

We may withold the return of money until the receipt of the product being returned or until receipt of the proof it has been send depending on which takes place first.

We furthermore require that you send the goods being returned to us immediately and not later than within 14 days of the date when you notified us of the fact you have decided to withdraw the order. This condition will be met if you post the goods being returned withing 14 days of making the initial declaration.

The only cost you will be expected to meet in connection with the withdrawal of order is the cost of shipping the goods being returned back to the shop.

 Returning the goods you will only be financially responsible for the decrease in the value of the product resulting from using it in a way other than was necessary in order to ascertain its character, properties and functioning.


With respect to the laws applicable, we are responsible to you for physical and legal faults of our merchandise under conditions stipulated in the Civil law

Once a fault has been detected you have the right to:

1. make a declaration demanding a lowering of the price;

2. make a statement about the renouncement of the contract unless the fault is inconsequential;

3. demand that the product is replaced with one free of faults;

4. demand that the fault is removed.

A decision regarding your declaration or demand will be made within fourteen days of its receipt.

You are obliged to deliver the faulty item to us (TSF-Trójmiejskie Studio Fotografii Radosław Brzozowski/Szlachetna Fotografia, ul. Akacjowa 1, 83-034 Trąbki Wielkie, Polska) at our expense. If the delivery of the faulty item is excessively complicated (for instance as a result of the properties of the item or the way in which it is mounted), you are under obligation to make the item available to us at the location it is mounted at.

We are responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing the item unless it has been improperly mounted in which case you are obliged to meet the part of the expenditure exceeding the price of the item. You also have the alternative right to demand that we meet part of the cost of dismounting and mounting the item again but only up to the value of the item itself.

Our responsibility resulting from the warranty lasts for two years of the moment in which the item came in your possession. In the case of second hand products, our responsibility continues for a year of the moment the item came into your possession.

Your rights continue for a year starting with the moment when the fault was discovered but does not expire earlier than within two years of the moment the item came into your possession or, in the case of second hand products, within a year of the moment when the item came into your possession.

If the time during which the item should be fit for use stipulated by us or the manufacturer is longer than two years from the moment the item comes into your possession, our responsibility continues until that time is over and we are responsible for faults disclosed before this time. 

The responsibility for legal faults is effectively the same and the periods of responsibility are counted from the moment the fault is disclosed. 

Please feel free to consult us at kontakt@szlachetnafotografia.com